Midjourney 呪文めも

個人的に画像の比率を16:9にする、--ar 16:9 は必須。


deep in the mountains, waterfall, huge japanese temple, --ar 16:9

huge temple, japan, beautiful atmosphere, Xenoblade, --ar 16:9


fantasy city with japan influence, --ar 16:9



water city, fantasy, beautiful atmosphere ,Xenoblade, --ar 16:9

water town ,luxurious, final fantasy, --ar16:9



sky town, beautiful atmosphere, Xenoblade, --ar 16:9




arabic city, fantasy, beautiful atmosphere, Xenoblade, --ar 16:9

fantasy city with arabic influence, --ar 16:9

「fantasy city with ○○ influence」は少々のエッセンスを加えたファンタジー風になるのでかなりオリジナリティが出てイイ…。



magic, huge factory, fantasy, beautiful, atmosphere, Xenoblade, --ar 16:9

huge factory, fantasy, beautiful, atmosphere, final fantasy, --ar 16:9